You need a website for your company… – It’s as simple as that! A website is vital for your company. A company without a website is like a business without a telephone number. A website is available 24 hours to your clients and can help generate business, inform your clients and make new information available to your clients in an instant. This is why Redline Company has a special offer on a basic website with full content management! The offer includes:
- Complete design of layout
- 5-10 pages
- 1 language only (if you need multiple languages there will be an extra cost of 150 € in total)
- 1 year’s hosting and domain name
- An image gallery
- Contact form
- Slideshow banner on the home page if needed.
- Full Content Management System (CMS)
Offer valid from July – December 2010. Contact us on admin(@) and get your business only at this very affordable price!