On the 21st April (2015) Google are set to update an algorithm designed to improve mobile search results, which will mean that all mobile-friendly website will benefit from improved visibility. Unfortunately, si tu página web no está adaptada (mobile-friendly) you will lose visibility – in other words your website will be harder to find on Google. The fact almost 60 per cent of searches are now carried out on mobile devices, means the impact will be enormous (although it won’t affect tablets), so it’s vital that you have a mobile-friendly site or perderás tu puesto en el ranking de búsquedas..
If you don’t yet have a mobile-friendly website, Redline can make your site mobile-friendly, thereby ensuring you benefit from the updated algorithm. And don’t worry, if you miss the 21 de abril,cualquier optimización que hagas en tu web será tenida en cuenta por Google la próxima vez que la indexe. De todas formas, te recomendamos que no te duermas... ¡Cuanto antes lo hagas mejor posicionada estará tu web!
Comprueba si tu página está optimizada para móvil en https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/

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In today’s competitive market, a unique brand identity is more than just a logo or tagline—it’s the foundation of how