Agencia de Marketing Líder desde 2004, Costa del Sol

You need a website for your company…

You need a website for your company… – It’s as simple as that!

A website is vital for your company. A company without a website is like a business without a telephone number. A website is available 24 hours to your clients and can help generate business, inform your clients and make new information available to your clients in an instant.

If your competition have one – you need one as well. If they don’t have one yet, well even more reason to get online with your business as soon as possible.

So, to get your business online with your own website, Redline has created a special offer, see below for details. This offers has CMS which means that you can add content such as text and images yourself and therefore keep it up to date yourself.

If you need a website with special requirements such as a web shop or a Real Estate site with properties, we can also help you here. Please contact us for quotes for more complex sites.

At Redline the process of building websites is as follows:

Step 1: Brief from you: we have a meeting or receive a brief from you. How do you want your website to look? What is the structure of the site? You might show us some website that you like (or that you dislike) to give us an idea of what you are looking for. This is also the step where we would need the 50% upfront payment to start the design process (step 2).

Step 2: The design process: we design some initial layouts based on your brief, with the structure discussed in the first step. The purpose of this process is to find the look of your website. Normally we only design one page (the home page) in this process. Colours, styles etc. are finalised. When the design has been approved, we can continue on to step 3 – the complete look of the site.

Step 3: The complete look and content of the web site: in this step we finalise the look of all the pages. We also include the content given to us by you (or if you need help generating the content Redline can help you to write this as well). We normally only work on one language at this stage as it is important to finalise one language first, before starting any translations etc.). The result of this step is for you to see your website as a whole before the programmer takes over.

Note: the first 3 steps are very important as they will determine the look and structure of the site. Considerations such as being user friendly, timeless and calls to action are important in these first 3 steps.

Step 4: Programming: The site is now ready for programming, as all elements are decided upon and agreed by the client (as when, for example, you are building a house, all blueprints are approved, structures, colours etc. are decided upon before you are ready to call in the builders). The programmer now takes over and starts the actual building of the site. When the website is programmed, prior to going live, it is now time to check that all is functioning and looking according to the approved design.

Step 5: Translating the site: If the site is multi-language, while the programmer is building, the translations can take place from the complete text of the site. Waiting until the first language is complete makes the translation process so much easier.

Step 6: Testing of the site: before going live, you (and the team at Redline) will test the site to make sure that all is working as it should. And also check the various browsers to see that it all looks and functions correctly.

Step 7: Going live: It is now time to put the website live. This is also the step where if you have asked for Content Management you will get the access to the back office system and learn how to upload content to the site yourself. The content management system gives you the opportunity to amend the text and image of your site (not the structure) and is great, if you want to be able to update your web site yourself.

Often the content of the website is given to us by the client, but if you don’t feel you have the time or resources to provide it, Redline can write the content for you. Just let us know and we will be happy to quote for this as well. Redline can also help you with translations, stock images, photography of products or productions of online brochures (as downloadable pdf).

Special offer – Basic Website with Content Management


  • Diseño completo de maquetación.
  • 5-10 páginas
  • 1 language only (if you need multiple languages there will be an extra cost of 150 euros in total)
  • 1 years hosting and domain name
  • Una galería de imágenes
  • Formulario de contacto
  • Slideshow banner on the home page if needed
  • Sistema completo de gestión de contenidos (CMS)

650 euros ex.IVA!

(CMS means you can only change the content on the website, not its structure.)

Included in this price is the use of image from the stock library that Redline Company subscribe to. If any other images are needed, the cost is not included.

Please remember that the hosting and domain name needs to be renewed every year, and will be invoiced separately.

All content must be delivered by the client.

The site will be built using Joomla! and WordPress.

The price above is excluding IVA. Payment terms are: 50% on order (step 1), 50% on completion. Offer valid until December 2010.

Contact Redline Company today +34 952816678 or e-mail: [email protected] to see what we can can do for your business.


Cláusula informativa De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de la UE (RGPD) y en la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos 3/2018 de 5 de diciembre, le informamos que los datos que nos facilite serán tratados por el titular Redline Solution SLU con CIF B92578020 se tratan con la finalidad de atender y responder las solicitudes de contacto, peticiones de información y/o consultas recibidas y/o para remitir prospección comercial o información sobre nuestros productos o servicios. La legitimación del tratamiento se basa en el consentimiento del interesado. No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal. Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación y supresión de los datos, así como otros derechos, tal y como se explica en la información adicional. Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos clicando en la POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD o enviando un e-mail a: [email protected].


La Constancia es la clave - Blog Redline Company

La constancia es la clave

En algún momento de nuestra vida, todos nos hemos hecho ilusiones con algo inalcanzable... como esperar que tras una sola sesión de gimnasio ya tengamos músculos dignos de...


Cláusula informativa De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de la UE (RGPD) y en la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos 3/2018 de 5 de diciembre, le informamos que los datos que nos facilite serán tratados por el titular Redline Solution SLU con CIF B92578020 se tratan con la finalidad de atender y responder las solicitudes de contacto, peticiones de información y/o consultas recibidas y/o para remitir prospección comercial o información sobre nuestros productos o servicios. La legitimación del tratamiento se basa en el consentimiento del interesado. No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal. Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación y supresión de los datos, así como otros derechos, tal y como se explica en la información adicional. Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos clicando en la POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD o enviando un e-mail a: [email protected].


    Cláusula informativa

    De conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento General de Protección de Datos de la UE (RGPD) y en la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos 3/2018 de 5 de diciembre, le informamos que los datos que nos facilite serán tratados por el titular Redline Solution SLU con CIF B92578020 se tratan con la finalidad de atender y responder las solicitudes de contacto, peticiones de información y/o consultas recibidas y/o para remitir prospección comercial o información sobre nuestros productos o servicios. La legitimación del tratamiento se basa en el consentimiento del interesado. No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal. Podrá ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación y supresión de los datos, así como otros derechos, tal y como se explica en la información adicional. Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos clicando en la POLÍTICA DE PRIVACIDAD o enviando un e-mail a: [email protected].