We believe that a strong image and clever concept makes all the difference. It goes way beyond a pretty logo, good corporate branding not only raises the value of your brand and makes you stand out from the crowd so that people know who you are, it also motivates employees and provides a clear direction.
La marca abarca todos los aspectos del negocio, desde el servicio al cliente hasta la reputación que ésta alcanza, y si un elemento es débil puede afectar a la percepción que el público tiene sobre ésta.
Ahora no es el momento de correr riesgos. Déjanos ayudarte a definir tu marca y a transmitir el mensaje correcto para atraer al público adecuado. Un mensaje claro, agudo e inteligente es fundamental para que tu empresa, además de salir indemne de esta crisis, continúe creciendo hasta tocar el cielo.
Muchas empresas no son conscientes de la importancia que tiene la identidad de marca (branding) para conseguir una empresa exitosa. Una imagen apropiada puede tener tal efecto positivo, que aumente considerablemente el retorno de la inversión (ROI).
Conectar emocionalmente con tu público objetivo es crucial. Que éstos comprendan el mensaje de tu marca y la reconozcan de inmediato, es muy importante para fomentar la confianza en tu empresa, e incluso esto podría derivar a un incremento del coste de tus productos y servicios.
7 ways smart corporate branding can boost your business:
1. Recognition: We all recognise the simple yet extremely memorable golden arch of McDonalds, so imagine the impact when it is carried through in all marketing and communications. Enough said.
2. Build trust: Customers recognise that legitimate companies with confidence in their products and services will take the time and money to create a professional brand and deliver high standards.
3. Community: A strong brand will help you to create a community which is vital for all successful businesses today. This is what social media is all about, your followers (community) will show loyalty.
4. Brand affinity: Brand purchases are made as a result emotions, rationalisation and behaviour. If your consumers believe in your brand and identify with its core values they are more likely to become loyal customers.
5. Add Financial value: When a company reaches a certain level, much of the value of a company is based on the value of the brand. The better the brand the greater the financial returns.
6. Employee pride: A strong brand with a clear vision engenders a sense of purpose, direction and pride in the business.
7. Reach new markets: Word of mouth referrals are the best form of advertising and this is only possible if you have a strong brand that has delivered a positive experience, be it a product or service.
La imagen lo es todo, así que vamos a asegurarnos de que la tuya dé en el blanco de la diana.