Redline Company recibió recientemente el encargo de desarrollar un nuevo sitio web para, a health insurance company. This proved an enjoyable project, since the site required some very specific features, such as a price comparison option and a detailed quote request form. The main focus was to present a great deal of intricate information in a format that is clear and easy to read. This called for a layout that minimised the complexities of the content while ensuring that potential clients seeking health insurance were able to access the data that they needed to make a decision without being deterred by unnecessarily text-heavy pages. Dudley, Redline Company’s web designer, was able to complete the project within a very short space of time.
La constancia es la clave
En algún momento de nuestra vida, todos nos hemos hecho ilusiones con algo inalcanzable... como esperar que tras una sola sesión de gimnasio ya tengamos músculos dignos de...