Leading Marketing Agency since 2004, Costa del Sol




Redline Company has joined forces with Belgian food photographer Peter Staes to offer restaurants and hotels in Spain access to world-class visual narratives. When you bring to life the taste, quality and creativity of your menus, sales can increase by up to 30 per cent!

Peter has over 20 years of experience as a professional food photographer, working with luminaries in the industry and global culinary icons, Michelin star restaurants and many more. 


You can benefit from the same professional photography as the many leading international restaurants and chefs who have used Peter’s visual alchemy to showcase their culinary brilliance and raise brand awareness for their business 

  • El Cellar de Can Rosa, Girona, Spain

  • Noma, Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Osteria Francescana, Modena, Italy

  • El Bulli, Roses, Girona, Spain

  • Arzak, San Sebastian, Spain

  • Vendome, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

  • Quique Dacosta, Denia, Spain

Get in touch to find out more about revolutionary food photography!
Informativ klausul In accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Organic Law on Data Protection 3/2018 of 5 December, we inform you that the data you provide will be processed by the owner Redline Solution SLU with CIF B92578020 are processed in order to attend and respond to contact requests, requests for information and/or queries received and/or to send commercial prospecting or information about our products or services. The legitimacy of the processing is based on the consent of the interested party. No data will be passed on to third parties unless legally required to do so. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification and deletion of data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information. You can consult the additional and detailed information on data protection by clicking on the PRIVACY POLICY or by sending an email to: [email protected].
Peter States, Photographer at Redline Company


Since childhood, Peter has been fascinated by the power of photography to freeze a moment in time, which led to a Masters Degree of Arts in Photography from the renowned Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp.

Food is also Peter’s passion (he has also trained as a chef!), so it was natural that he would become a specialist food photographer. As a result, he has had the honour of working with some of the world’s most acclaimed chefs, chocolatiers, multinationals and publishers.

Peter has also worked with Dutch pastry chef Frank Haasnoot, winner of the World Chocolate Masters 2011, taking the photographs for his book Prism (published 2019). 


Peter has travelled to many Michelin star restaurants and food producers to capture their essence in reportage and cookbooks.

Share your team’s vision, show customers the genius behind the gastronomy, the philosophy and personality in reportage. Create a visual experience that will showcase your company’s aesthetics and raise brand awareness. 

Redline Company services: Food Photography


Making food look as good as it tastes, is more than an artform, it requires a technical eye, careful lighting
and styling to tease out the most aesthetic elements. High-end food photography can convey textures, tastes, aromas
and rich colours, providing striking images that when used in your marketing strategy can demand attention, create
desire and entice customers to try new tastes and experiences. 

Professional food photography can boost sales by 30%

Promotional material to be used across all marketing channels

Communicate the restaurant’s philosophy

Create brand awareness

Showcase delicious dishes, first impressions count

Save time, hassle and ensure professional results

Create an appetite to try new foods

Don´t miss out on this opportunity!
Take your restaurant to the next level with high level professional food photography. 


Yes, we do! On our team we have an amazing photographer who lives and breathes pictures. He has over 20 years of experience, including photographing for Michelin starred restaurants, such as Noma in Copenhagen, and producing all the images in the World Chocolate Masters Winner, Frank Haasnoots Book, to name but a few.  Find out more about our professional food photography services.

Billeder som får dine tænder til at løbe i vand, styrker både dit brand og formidler din mad filosofi. Med iøjnefaldende billeder kan du vække appetitten og give kunder lyst til at prøve nye fødevarer og oplevelser. Perception er alt, og det kræver en kombination af kunst, teknisk knowhow og erfaring at få maden til at se lige så godt ud, som den smager. Det er her en professionel madfotograf kan hjælpe dig, ved at skabe billeder, der vil formidle smag, teksturer og aromaer.

Ja, avanceret madfotografering kan øge dit salg med op til 30 %. Gennem brand awareness og ved at vække en nysgerrig appetit hos kunderne, kan vi påvirke besøgstallet på dit hotel eller din restaurant. 

En erfaren fotograf skaber billeder, som du kan bruge i reklamemateriale på tværs af alle marketingkanaler, booste din profil, skabe kendskab til din filosofi og lokke kunder til at prøve dine lækre opskrifter.

Nej, men det hjælper bestemt! Redlines fotograf, har været en professionel fotograf med speciale i madfotografering i over 20 år. Han er også uddannet kok, da han er super passioneret omkring mad.

Det betyder at han i sit arbejde som madfotograf formår at kombinere tekniske og kunstneriske detaljer med sjælen bag retterne.

Redlines fotograf er baseret på Costa del Sol i det sydlige Spanien. For at producere fantastisk madfotografering, vil madfotograferingen højst sandsynligt foregå på produktionsvirksomheden, hotellet eller restauranten. Vores fotograf har mulighed for at komme til dig og arrangerer madfotoshoots i hele Spanien og Europa.

Hvis du har brug for professionelle billeder, der formidler dit teams vision, dine opskrifter og personlighed gennem reportage i magasiner, ønsker at producere din egen kogebog, højne din virksomheds profil og skabe forsider, så find ud af mere om Redlines kreative madfotografering.

Ja, vi er et full-service marketingbureau, der har eksisteret i over 20 år. Vi forstår vigtigheden af at beskytte vores virksomhed og vores kunder.

Derfor er Redline dækket af en ansvarsforsikring. Det betyder Redline har implementeret processer for at sikre, at klienternes data og filer er i trygge hænder hos os.

Dette er måske ikke tilfældet med mindre bureauer og hos enkeltstående marketingfolk, så hvis du er i tvivl, er det bedre at tjekke, inden du overleverer følsomme oplysninger eller logins.

Tag et kik i vores portefølje og få indsigt i, hvordan vi lykkes med at styrke kundernes forretning.

Be smart.
outsource your marketing.

Is the lack of time holding your business back?

Wish you could hire a whole marketing team to implement strategies to take your business to the next level?

Here is the solution.

For less than the cost of hiring one marketing person, you can hire a whole team of expert marketers, including a senior project manager to make sure all is running smoothly…leaving you time to concentrate on other aspects of your business.

Sound interesting?


    Informativ klausul

    In accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Organic Law on Data Protection 3/2018 of 5 December, we inform you that the data you provide will be processed by the owner Redline Solution SLU with CIF B92578020 are processed in order to attend and respond to contact requests, requests for information and/or queries received and/or to send commercial prospecting or information about our products or services. The legitimacy of the processing is based on the consent of the interested party. No data will be passed on to third parties unless legally required to do so. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification and deletion of data, as well as other rights, as explained in the additional information. You can consult the additional and detailed information on data protection by clicking on the PRIVACY POLICY or by sending an email to: [email protected].