Christine Heckel, a long time practitioner of sound massage therapy, has just been confirmed as Spain’s only official representative of the Peter Hess Institute in Germany, certified to practice and teach sound massage under the auspices of the Peter Hess Academy Spain. Peter Hess is renowned for using therapy singing bowls to promote better mental and physical well-being, whereby the body responds to the resonance of the sound vibrations and the mind to the rich overtone sounds – plus a list of forthcoming courses. To coincide with the announcement she has launched a brand new website, providing insights into the theory, practice and benefits of sound massage using therapy singing bowls, information about courses, workshops and retreats – teaching the practicalities and theory to business and private individuals on the Costa del Sol and throughout Europe. About Christine Until 2004, Christine enjoyed a highflying career as a Human Resources Director for a global hotel chain, when she changed direction for health reasons. At that point she became interested in exploring a holistic approach to mental, physical well-being and stress management, through natural and alternative therapies and relaxation. Since then, she has qualified as an Energy Psychology Practitioner, Reiki master and teacher, advanced Okada Purifying therapist, personal management and life coach, and as a sound relaxation coach with the Peter Hess Institute. The next courses will take place on the 20th and 21st of July and the 21st and 22nd September this year, booking can be made via Christine’s website at

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